jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021

From abacus to computational thinking.

Tabacundo Education UniT


Hello dear readers, my name is Megan Peñafiel, I am from the province of Pichincha-Ecuador, I study at the Tabacundo Education Unit, and I belong to the 2nd parallel FGI course "A". 

"From abacus to computational thinking"⏪

Learning objective:

Investigate the history of Mathematics, the philosophy, and the logic of industries. First mechanical and now digital, and the transformations of how we work, study, and play, inform ourselves and interact. Include computational thinking in terms of process flows, project structuring, coding, and multimedia communication interfaces. 


The importance of this project is that we will be able to know the history of 3 specific topics such as mathematics, philosophy, and the logic of industries and how these have evolved through the discovery of technology and its evolution. For this, we will use this website called Blogger, which will help us to make other people find out about these topics as well.

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Tabacundo Education UniT 👨 WELCOME TO MY BLOGGER 👩 Hello dear readers, my name is Megan Peñafiel, I am from the province of Pichincha-Ecua...